Bakhtiar Rasheed

Bakhtiar Rasheed

Ray of Hope?

International laws have been violated, morality has been corrupted, and even humanity has been ridiculed. Hypocrisies have been exposed, imperial goals made inherently visible, and racism made legal. Never before in history has the aggressor been identified as the victim but it is apparent today.

Let me get the facts straight. Israel has now publicly admitted that it never wanted a ceasefire but to wipe the whole of Gaza from the face of the Earth. The US now had a sudden sense of morality and decided to pause arms support to Israel over the Rafah invasion. Netanyahu has said that they will fight with their fingernails, over pause in US arms support.

Oct 7 happened and the whole world condemned Hamas. Thousands of innocent civilians, mostly women and children, died in Gaza but the whole West remained silent. The United Nations special rapporteur, Francesca Albanese, has crafted meticulous reports of how Israel is engaged in outright genocide but the West accused her of anti-semitism. The word, “anti-semitism” is so racist. The word semite means belonging to Afro-arab ethnicity, so using it to silence others is a racist means employed by Zionists to gain their control over people.

It now appears the whole West is on one side, supporting Israel to the fullest until it eventually carries out the Rafah invasion, wiping out a whole nation. No, Falsehood will never win. Israel thinks that it can just occupy Palestinian lands, murder entire population and not suffer any consequences. Didn’t Hitler face any consequences? So, if they carry out the Rafah invasion and murder innocent civilians, Heaven is waiting for the Palestinians. As, Israel has been carrying out genocide, no Western country has accused Israel of a genocide so it will not be surprising if the West does not show any concern if the whole of Gaza civilian population is killed.

A sane, human reading this may think to themselves, will Israel ever be held accountable? Yes, Allah has created us and prepared the afterlife to judge who does right or wrong in the worldly life. So what if Israel isn’t held accountable in the present life? It will be judged by Allah on the Day of judgement and Allah is the best of judges. Israel, you may buy the world, you may occupy a sovereign nation, you may kill an entire population but you cannot buy the afterlife.