Bakhtiar Rasheed

Bakhtiar Rasheed

Different side of argument

Despite the popular opinion that Palestine was split by the British, the actual reality is that it was the consensus of the victors of the World War 1, mainly Britain, USA and France. They approved the Zionist colonization of Palestine against the wishes of the native Palestinians, resulting in the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in 1947-48. The main reasons behind the Balfour declaration, issued by Britain in 1917, were the Zionist lobbying in the British government, strategic interest in Egypt and Suez Canal and winning support for Jews to encourage their countries to stay in WW1.

Before setting their eyes on Palestine as their future land, the Zionists approached the USA and asked for a few states to be allocated as their homeland. If the USA was quite keen on establishing a new “Jewish” homeland, why didn’t it gave them a place in their own country which would be an amazing decision since the USA could pledge security for the “Jewish” people as it was one of the major powers in the world at that time.

After the fall of Soviet Union in 1990, Yugoslavia split up into multiple countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (later to be known as Serbia and Montenegro). Later, there was a revolution in Serbia against the Bosniaks (mostly Bosnian Muslims) and in 1995, the Bosnian Serbs from the today Republic Srpska, led by Mladic, murdered around 7000-8000 Bosnian Muslim men and assualted and raped the women and children. Mladic was labelled as a war criminal and held responsible for the genocide. Of course, no punishment in this world can account for his heinous act and Allah will judge him on the Day of Judgement. Mosly all major powers recognize this terrible act of genocide but Serbia still refuses to name this event genocide. Tell me, how this genocide is different from the systematic killing of innocent civilians in Gaza? Will the world recognize this as genocide when the Palestinians are erased from history as was the case in the Srebrenica genocide when the UN peacekeeping mission failed to protect the Bosnian Muslims seeking protection? When the perpetrator of crime has fully carried out the crime?

This degradation of moral principles and mess of justice is why groups like Hamas and Yemeni Houthis exist in the first place. If the freedom and rights of people are taken away from the people, will the nation just sit and watch? No, they will fight to their fullest. If Israel thinks that it can just erase Palestine from the map and nothing will happen to it, it is so mistaken. If Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis fail to protect Palestine, other groups and nations will rise. Maybe the Arabs will have a change of morality, maybe the EU turns back on its hypocrisy.

The world needs to wake up before many thousands of more lives are taken away if not many of lives have been taken already. Israel, you rely on your malicious partner USA and Europe. But we Palestinians, rely on the All-Powerful, the Lord of all the Worlds.